Bridging the gap of neuronal communication by means of intelligent hybrid systems


Do you or one of your family members suffer for a disabling chronic brain disease? Do you have any diseased friend?

Stay tuned!

Throughout the life-span of Re.B.Us we plan many outreach activities for public engagement.

A fundamental part of research in health science is the dialog with people who suffer for the disease we want to find a cure for.

Research is not only ‘bench work’ and technical reports written in a language that is obscure to most people.

The major achievement is being able to communicate our ideas and results to those who are mostly involved, as they are the focus of our effort and our most important source of inspiration: patients, their families and their care-givers.

Upcoming outreach activities

Marie Curie Ambassador @ Istituto Comprensivo Jacopo San Vitale - Fra Salimbene (Parma)

Da grande voglio fare il Neuroscienziato

Un'Ambasciatrice Marie Curie si racconta

Tuesday 14 March 2017


Gabriella Panuccio - Marie Curie Fellow Researcher
Michela Chiappalone - Research Laboratory Head
Ilaria Colombi - PhD Student

Sei affascinato dai misteri del cervello umano e vorresti scoprirne i segreti? Sogni d’indossare le vesti del neuroscienziato che farà una grande scoperta scientifica?

Questo evento è per te!

Seguici attraverso la nostra storia di donne nella Scienza e ti sveleremo come abbiamo fatto ad arrivare fin qui.

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